
Corporate Wellness

90% of employers report being negatively affected by employee fatigue. There is a defined link between poor sleep health, employee productivity, and absenteeism – costing employers $63 billion a year.

Employers who address the issue of poor sleep health can significantly improve the well-being of their employees, regardless of whether those employees have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), or simply have poor sleep habits. With a healthier, well-rested workforce, employers will positively impact performance, productivity, and morale.

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The DROWZLE® Sleep Health Program educates, motivates, and measures progress toward better sleep health for employees. No matter what sleep health issues they face, all employees can benefit from this easy-to-follow, self-guided program. As an employee’s sleep health improves, so does their work performance and overall quality of life.



When employees aren’t getting restorative sleep, their health declines, leading to poor performance and absenteeism. Very few companies are taking measures to address employee sleep health. The DROWZLE Sleep Health Program offers employees a simple, proven way to help keep their workforce healthy.

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According to the National Safety Council, fatigued employees cost companies approximately $63 billion per year in lost productivity. Well-rested employees are focused, energetic and enjoy an improved quality of life. With our program, you can offer your employees a benefit that does as much for their productivity as it does for their health – all through improved sleep.

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Few benefits are as multifaceted as the DROWZLE Sleep Health Program. Aside from its straightforward impact on health and productivity, it also improves workplace safety. Our program helps keep employees alert, concentrating and focused, which greatly reduces their risk of causing a workplace accident.